Tag Archives : beer chili

Cooking With Beer: [Leftover] Christmas Beer Chili 7

The holidays have come and gone. The leftover Christmas-style beers are still lingering on some store shelves — super discounted (yeah, I found Delirium Noel on sale at Costco for $1.97 FTW!). And although you might be a bit bored with the roasted, toasted, spiced holiday ales — do not completely give up on them. […]



Cooking With Beer: Ten Fidy Beer Chili 15

I love to cook. And, I love to cook with beer. Any recipe that requires some sort of liquid (water, wine, broth, stock etc…) can easily be prepared with beer as a substitute. Starch works particularly well — especially couscous, rice, quinoa, barley and even pasta and potatoes. All dried starch (and bean) products need […]